On the 27th April 2015 ‘Chain of Responsibility’ legislation was introduced in to Western Australian legislation. The provisions of ‘Chain of Responsibility’ are detailed in the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 and the Road Traffic (Administration) Act 2008.

‘Chain of Responsibility’ legislation details the accountabilities, liabilities and penalties of all parties in the transport chain. On the surface it may appear to affect transport companies and particularly their drivers and operators. However this legislation has a far wider application to all parties involved in the transport of goods by road. This includes any organisation undertaking the following:

  • consigning – a person or company commissioning the carrying of goods
  • packing – placing good in containers, packages, pallets etc.
  • loading – placing or restraining the load on a vehicle
  • driving
  • operating / managing – operating a business which controls the use of a vehicle
  • receiving – paying for the goods, taking possession of a load

Some important points to consider:

Does your organisation’s safe systems of work include the transport and receiving of goods?

Do your workers and suppliers understand theses safe systems?

Are you monitoring your workers and suppliers for compliance with these safe systems?